202404W2 拳皇97,面基Rain

“新朋友” Rain

Steve 一样,和 Rain 也是因为项目合作结识的,最近他参加香港的web3会议刚好顺道来深圳看看我,惯例叫上了同方向的 PPD
起初是约在经常和朋友聚餐的一家海底捞见面,奈何周五生意太火了,等不急的我们最终妥协了旁边一家湘菜馆,或许对他们来说还不算是妥协。期间聊了一些web3的新闻,Rain 说前一阵在新加坡旅游,我问为什么不顺便去迪拜看看,那边web3也蛮火的,他说有机会可以一去。还聊了关于消息机器人的内容,刚好最近我也在做就互相交换信息。Rain 第二天还有面试所以吃完我们就回家了。



202404W1 LOL,成都



3月 Steve 从广州来深圳玩,考虑到 PPD 也是一个圈子的,刚好大家都有空就三个人约了一波,Steve 中午到深圳和朋友吃饭,中间的时间就和 PPD 去爬南山,两个小时足够刷完。Steve 和我们在一家咖啡馆面基的,虽然和 Steve 认识有一年多,见面确是头一次。聊了一下行业相关新闻和八卦之后我提议去网吧,就这样三个老年玩家兜兜转转去了附近一家环境不错的网吧,《英雄联盟》三连坐,一下午只输了一局。玩完已经是8,9点了,在附近吃的烧烤。晚上 Steve 就住在我们小区不远的一家宾馆,第二天 Steve 坐顺风车回了广州。偶尔和朋友聊聊是挺有意思的,Steve 的个人故事略显曲折,早期在日企待过,后来为了妹妹回国,又要去日本。


Set Git proxy

I was using ssh to clone a repo from Github on wsl, and http proxy not work.

Work with ssh config

edit file ~/.ssh/config



对比以往,今年的年终总结晚了一周,是因为周末都在户外,所以就拖更一点点。按照习惯写之前会看一下去年立的 flag, 结果大部分 flag 依旧是flag~




202310W1 National Day and Family

This is the first National Day after the pandemic, and I met some friends whom I haven’t seen in a year or two. I took the opportunity to go to Beijing and have a meal with a friend I made this year.

During the National Day holiday, I drove with friends to Wutai Mountain. Since the car was an automatic transmission, it stalled several times on the mountain roads, but fortunately, we safely reached the mountain top in the end. Wutai Mountain attracted many tourists, including those from Beijing, Guangdong, and other southern provinces. The entire journey was filled with people.


There is a fantastic series of videos in Youtube called Astronomy, it talks about topics of black hole, planets, starts and galaxies, and even the eventual fate of the Universe.
Science must be honest, Understanding that our understanding might be wrong is essential, and trying to figure out the ways we may be mistaken is the only way that science can help us to find our way to the truth.We meander a bit as we use it, but in the long run we get ever closer to understanding reality, and that is the strength of science.Whether you know or not, you’re soaking in science.

You’re a primate.You have mass.Mitochondria in your cells are generating energy.Presumably, you are breathing oxygen.




  • filter: 负责过滤数据包,包括的规则链有:input,output和forward
  • nat: 用于网络地址转换(IP、端口),包括的规则链有:prerouting,postrouting 和 output
  • mangle: 主要应用在修改数据包、流量整形、给数据包打标识,默认的规则链有:INPUT,OUTPUT、 forward,POSTROUTING,PREROUTING

202308W2 go hiking and Devops

This week, I focused on learning the networking part of Docker, an area I had limited knowledge of before. I also took some time to set up the Jenkins service for our company’s testing environment, because of the convenience of Helm, it took me approximately 2 hours to complete the setup. Additionally, I took a look at Kubernetes’ Watch-List mechanism.

On Sunday, I went hiking up YangTai Mountain with a former colleague. It had been a while since I last went hiking, around April. Unfortunately, the summit was covered in clouds, so I didn’t get to enjoy the scenery as much as I had hoped.

test istio https requests local(macos)

generate certificate

brew install mkcert
brew install nss

mkdir -p ~/.cert
mkcert -key-file ~/.cert/key.pem -cert-file ~/.cert/cert.pem "api.ginta.com"

Enable the system to trust the generated certificate


202308W1 BRUSH UP LIFE and Kubernetes

This week, I took a day off and used the time to renew my Hong Kong and Macau travel permit. It’s been five years since I first obtained the permit, and due to the COVID situation, I haven’t had the chance to visit Hong Kong. I’m planning to go there for a weekend hike soon.

While on the subway, I watched the TV series “BRUSH UP LIFE” which is really well-made. Sometimes, I find myself thinking that if I had the chance to live again, I might attempt things I didn’t have the courage to do before. I spent several hours delving into the source code of Kubernetes, focusing particularly on the code for the apiserver and kubelet components. Kubernetes is indeed a fantastic open-source project.